Business in Israel

How to Get Your First Client

You’ve opened a business, chosen a niche, found a workspace and decided how much to charge. Now all you need is that first client… But who’s going to work with someone who has no experience? 

Luckily, that first client is out there and there are a number of ways to find them.

Clients with low budgets

There are lots of clients who have low budgets but still want quality work. They may be willing to take a chance on someone with less experience if they trust that the work will be done well. When you exude confidence and speak knowledgeably on relevant subjects, you show the client that they’re getting a great deal, especially if you offer them a special introductory price. Be sure to make it clear that this is a temporary low rate, so you don’t get stuck charging too little for future work with this client or with referrals they send your way. Draw in this type of client with an ad that emphasizes the introductory price.

Former colleagues

People who have worked with you at a previous place of employment are aware that you are educated, hardworking and know what you’re doing. Even if they worked with you in a different capacity (for instance, you were a project manager and now you’re a graphic designer), if you had a good working relationship, they already consider you trustworthy and like you enough to jump at the chance to work with you again. Send a personal message to former colleagues who might be in need of your services and let them know about your new professional direction.

Friends and family 

Conventional wisdom is that it’s not a good idea to do business with friends and family, but sometimes this is the best pool for finding that first client. These are people who want to give you a leg up and think highly of you. They are also likely to spread the word about your services to others and provide those all-important word-of-mouth referrals. Reach out to everyone you know with an announcement about the services that you offer and ask family and friends to share with their acquaintances. 

Clients who are impressed by your posts

Social media is an excellent platform for getting that first client. Consistent posting which showcases your talent and knowledge will bring in clients who are impressed by your posts. A certain business owner in Israel famously posted on Facebook and LinkedIn for months without getting a single client. Once someone finally took the bait, his business grew and expanded almost overnight. Hopefully you won’t have to wait that long, but you get the idea.

Invest in marketing

Every business needs marketing, and new businesses need it the most. Set aside the time and a budget for marketing for the first three months and reevaluate at the end of that period. Get the word out there about who you are, what you know, what you offer and – most importantly – how you help clients reach their goals. For more information on how to do this, read How to Market a Business in Israel.