Employment in Israel

5 Ways to Advance Your Career in Israel

Feeling stuck in your career? Want to move forward but aren’t sure how? Here are 5 ways you advance your career in Israel.

Plan your career path

In order to advance your career, you need to know where you are headed. Determining your short-term and long-term goals is the first step in accomplishing them. Do you want to move up to management? Do you prefer a more flexible work schedule or a higher salary? Are you interested in a different position than you have now (or even a totally different career)?

Once you have broader goals, narrow them down to actionable items. 

Let’s say you want a raise. How will you prove to your manager that you deserve one? Volunteering for projects, finishing tasks before the deadline and speaking up in meetings are all ways to demonstrate your worth to the company.

When is the right time to ask? Some companies in Israel do salary reviews at the end of the calendar year, while others do them individually for employees based on the length of their employment in the company. Still others don’t do them at all, so you won’t get a raise if you don’t ask. Figure out when you should approach this at your workplace and don’t miss the opportunity.

Learn new skills

The more skills you have, the more sought-out you will be as an employee. Upping your game by learning new skills, either in your industry or in a totally new one, can give your career that extra boost. You can do this by taking professional courses or by getting involved in work projects that require you to learn aspects of the business you haven’t previously experienced.

Build a network

In Israel, it’s all about who you know. Online and offline networks are the best source of job opportunities and resources. Have a professional question you need answered or a connection to a professional? When you have a strong network, you can accomplish things that you didn’t know you could and impress your bosses in the process. 

Olim often feel like they are behind in the networking game, since they don’t have connections from grade school or the army, but anyone can build a network if they devote time and energy to it. Giving freely of your time and expertise puts good karma out into the universe and often encourages others to reciprocate.

Keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date

A common mistake is to neglect your LinkedIn profile when you’re happily employed. Since you never know what the future brings, it’s recommended to keep your profile up-to-date with relevant information about your position and skills. Israeli headhunters and recruiters scour LinkedIn for candidates for jobs, even those who haven’t announced that they are looking for work. You’ll never know what’s around the corner if you don’t present yourself optimally online.

Don’t get too comfortable

Knowing that it can be challenging to get a job after aliyah, you may have taken the first job that offered reasonable conditions. But a few years down the line, it is time to increase your income, move up the corporate ladder and enjoy better work conditions. 

In today’s job market, many companies prefer to recruit new talent instead of promoting from within. If that’s the case in your workplace, it may be that the only way to get a raise and better position is by looking elsewhere. Although in the past it was common to stick with one job for many years, today it’s perfectly acceptable to switch jobs every few years. When you feel you have gotten as far as you can get in your current job, start looking around for something else. You will likely be pleasantly surprised to discover what’s out there.