Excelling at Customer Service in Israel

Excelling at Customer Service in Israel

Customer service in Israel has come a long way in recent years, but is still nowhere near as customer-centric as it is in many other countries. As an immigrant, you can take advantage of your natural tendency to put the customer first and provide service that makes a one-time customer into a loyal one.

Is the customer always right?

The mantra that you may have grown up with that “the customer is always right” is not adhered to by most Israeli businesses. Approaching the customer with the attitude that they are right will automatically put your customer service in the top tier. A polite and helpful tone also goes a long way toward making a customer happy. Often, they just need to be heard, so a sympathetic ear and understanding reaction is infinitely better than the defensive response they are probably expecting.

Deliver quickly

Exceeding expectations is the cornerstone of excellent customer service. Delivering a product or service sooner than you said it would arrive is one way to delight your customers. Online shopping in Israel tends not to be extremely quick, so it always reflects positively on the company when a product arrives in a timely manner. Build some extra time into your ETA, but don’t go overboard, so as not to discourage those who want quick results. 

Take responsibility

There’s nothing more frustrating than a salesperson or service provider who doesn’t take responsibility when something goes wrong. Disgruntled customers will tell others they weren’t happy with your service and Israel is a small community in which word of mouth spreads like wildfire. It’s best to apologize when something goes wrong and find a satisfactory solution or compensation for your customer so your interaction ends on a positive note.

Expect bargaining

Customers in Israel are accustomed to bargaining, particularly for services. They want to reduce the price so that they feel that they have gotten a good deal. Sometimes this is more important to them than the actual price they end up paying. If your customers are constantly trying to bargain you down, you might want to raise your price quotes so you have the option to give a discount to those who ask for it. But be aware that customers who complain about your price often complain about the service as well.

When you excel at customer service, customers will recommend you to others, both in real life and on social media, increasing your sales and ultimately expanding your business.